Introduction to AvtaleGiro
AvtaleGiro is a service for automatic account-to-account payment of recurring bills.
With AvtaleGiro, your company submits payment claims for customers who have agreed to use AvtaleGiro as their payment method, and the banking system ensures that the bills are automatically paid directly from the payer’s account on the due date.
AvtaleGiro is well suited for recurring payments, such as electricity/utilities, mobile phone service, newspaper, subscriptions, insurance, rent, municipal fees, loans, and donations to NGOs.
Customer Service
For questions related to AvtaleGiro, please contact your bank, or Nets' customer service at:
Service Update!
Our new URL is fully functional now. In case you face any issues please contact Customer Technical Support via email:
Our old URL has been decommissioned.
E-Agreement is a service that can be used by the Payee who offers AvtaleGiro. The Payee can forward the Payer, with all relevant information, to the E-Agreement solution where the Payer can enter into an AvtaleGiro agreement. The Payer must authenticate with BankID. The Payer's AvtaleGiro agreement is between the Payer and Payer's bank.
Simplified onboarding – E-agreement with payer information
The service allows an unidentified new customer to use the AvtaleGiro onboarding process to create a customer record, collecting data from BankID identification, People’s registry (Folkeregister) and account data to populate the customer registration without any additional action from the customer. The customer record can subsequently be downloaded by the business alongside the AvtaleGiro mandate information.
Download documentation here:
Payer onboarding via Link generator and peoples registry.pdf
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