Removing the background status call
27 March, 2020
As of 1 June 2020, E-Agreement will no longer make an asynchronous “background” status call to the return URL provided by the payee.
Discontinued background call example:
The payer will continue to be directed to the return URL along with the relevant status code, for example:
This background call was meant to notify the payee of the final status of any E-Agreement session even if the user does not click the “Fullfør” button on registration completion. The decision to remove this background call is based on 1) technical limitations of the solution, and 2) the click-rate of the “Fullfør” button (more than 98% of users click the button and are directed to the return URL). The change will not affect the formal communication of new and deleted mandates.
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12 April, 2019
E-Agreement is getting a facelift!
We at Mastercard Payment Services will soon roll out a new design for E-Agreement, with the goal of making it even more simple and easy for users to onboard to AvtaleGiro and eFaktura. The new look will include an intuitive interface as well as a new colour scheme which fits the Mastercard Payment Services brand.
Minimalist Ambitions
In designing the new interface, we strived to remove or hide any objects or text which are not completely necessary. We also tried to better organise information which may be of interest to some users but is not critical to all, so that it is available but does not clutter the page. For a user who is comfortable with the E-Agreement service and has used it before, the main details of the agreement are easy to see at a glance, and the process is quickly finished. For a new user of E-Agreement, we provide easy access to more details.
New Colour Scheme
We’ve added some colour to the picture! The old design was almost completely black and white. We don’t have anything against black-and-white, but with some colour it’s easier to organise information in a way that’s easy on the eyes.
Rollout Plan
Downtime is not expcted for the rollout, and there is nothing customers must do to accommodate the new design. It will be live in production around late April / early May. In the meantime, here are some screenshots to give you a little preview…

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1 February, 2019
Version 3.0.0
There will be a phased rollout of this version beginning on or around 18 February, 2019.
Technical impact: There should be no technical impact on customer integration with the Electronic Agreement service. User traffic to the deprecated solutions will be automatically redirected to the new solution.
One solution for AvtaleGiro and eFaktura
In this and future versions, AvtaleGiro, eFaktura, and combination agreements will be created using a single online solution, the "new" Elektronisk Avtaleinngåelse. This will result in:
- A single, consistent design for all agreement types (AvtaleGiro, eFaktura, and the combination of both)
- A single base URL for all agreement types, with the type depending on the input parameters provided in the HTTP request.
During a transition phase, traffic to the "old" URLs will be redirected and the respective agreement type will be selected automatically.
- Faster and more efficient development of new features.
Real-time approval and rejection of AvtaleGiro agreements
This functionality will initially be available only for end users selecting DNB accounts for their AvtaleGiro agreements, but additional banks will be added when ready.
AvtaleGiro agreements will be processed in real-time. This means that end users will receive immediate feedback that their agreement has been approved or rejected. In the case of rejection due to the selection of an account which does not support AvtaleGiro, the user will be given the opportunity to choose a different account for the agreement.
Rollout Plan
There will be a phased rollout of this version beginning on or around 18 February, 2019. During this phase, some traffic to the old solutions for eFaktura and combination agreements will be automatically redirected to the new service as we gradually scale up, test, and iterate. Although the new service will require some changes to customers' integration in the future, customers will not be required to make any changes at this time.
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