We are moving home

Summer pause in the migr​​​ation project 

Due to general vacations both internally and amongst our customers, the migration project will be paused throughout July. This means no customers will be migrated in July. The migration support phone will be closed during the same period.

If you need to get in touch with the migration project, we can be reached at osl.migrering@mastercard.com. Please allow for some time for a response.

The migration will resume on August 13 and continue with new groups each week through the fall. All customers will be migrated by the end of 2024.

We wish you a very good summer! 

In 2021, Mastercard acquired some of Nets' services. The relocation of the services to Mastercard's ​new Norwegian data center is scheduled for completion in 2024.  

On these pages you will find more information about the different sub-projects and the migration project in general.  

Please contact us if you have questions or is missing information.​

​Customer Migration

Do you have any questions? These can be addressed to: osl.migrering@mastercard.com

Telephone: +47 24 14 05 47
(open 09:00-16:00 Monday-Friday)​​

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