​​​​​Corporate Con​nect​​

Corporate Connect replaces the previous portal that banks have offer to their customers. These portals are often in the banks' own design and the content is determined by the individual bank.

Like all other services from Mastercard, the services currently available at Nets' Customer Portal will be moved to our new Norwegian data center. This migration will be completed during 2024.

In Corporate Connect you will find all applications and reports from Mastercard ​that your bank offers.


Two portals

As the migration begins, users of the Customer Portal will have to operate within two portals for a period. The applications move to new portal in batches. Both the Customer Portal and Corporate Connect will therefore be in use until the migration is completed.

All applications are scheduled to be moved during the third quarter of 2024.



The different applications are moved in groups at different times from Customer Portal to ​​Corporate Connect. 


Do you have any questions? These can be​ addressed to: osl.portal@mastercard.com
with subject: Question regarding portal -  «name of bank»

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