This section describes the specifications for the order type for AvtaleGiro payment claims (in the diagram below, the “order with AvtaleGiro payment claims” part of the file.
Input files to Mastercard Payment Services should use character set ISO-8859-1, and line breaks should be represented by 0D / CR (carriage return) + 0A / LF (line feed).
Example payment claim file structure:
Following are the format descriptions related to the “order with AvtaleGiro payment claims.”
Start record for the transmission
Start record for payment claims
Payment claim record, line 1 of 2
* Note: If code 02 is provided as the transaction type, any free text records associated with the claim will not be notified to the payer.
* Code 02 should always be used for the combination of AvtaleGiro and eFaktura
* If a claim has transaction type 21 (bank notification) and the payer has opted out of notifications according to the payer’s mandate, the bank will not send a notification.
** The same transaction number must be used for all records related to a single claim. This includes lines 1 and 2 of a claim and any free text records. Otherwise the claim will be rejected.
Payment claim record, line 2 of 2
Free text record
It is possible for the payee to provide additional information to the payer in the form of free text. This can be used, for example, to convey a consolidated notification which applies to mul-tiple payments with due dates up to a maximum of 12 months in the future.
The free text content can be a maximum of 42 lines with up to 80 characters per line. In the payment claim file, each record provides the text for one half of one line of free text. Therefore, each line of the free text content is specified as two parts of 40 characters. The “column” field specifies if the text in a record belongs in the 1st or 2nd half of a line.
End record for payment claims
End record for the transmission

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